Shattered Haven is a gripping text-based survival game set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by relentless storms. In this harrowing adventure, you step into the role of a leader in a shattered sanctuary, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and ruin.

As the storm clouds gather and the winds howl, you’ll face challenging choices that test your strategic skills and moral compass. Manage scarce resources, balance the needs of your survivors, and make critical decisions to protect your shelter from the worsening storms.

The game features a deep narrative with a dynamic cast of characters, each with their own struggles and stories. As you guide them through the trials of survival, you’ll uncover their personal histories and witness their growth. 

With a focus on resource management, storytelling, and the weight of leadership, Shattered Haven offers a unique blend of strategy and narrative depth. Navigate the calm before the storm, confront the fury of nature, and find hope amidst the devastation. Your decisions will determine the fate of the shelter and its inhabitants.

Note from ,.. me! 

This game was built for Brackeys Game Jam, which has the theme - Calm before the Storm. 

I had far less time than I'd like this week, but I was keen and eager to create something for the jam (I needed a new project to get me going again). I'll admit, it's probably to easy :P, and not fully balanced, and may even be some slight bugs, but I'm proud of what I've managed to accomplish in the time I had. I've leaned heavily into creating a narrative that is engaging and interesting. I hope that the story is at least interesting for the player, if the game mechanics side of things don't prove enough of a challenge :).

Thanks for playing! Please check out some of my other games if you have the time!

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