Funbers Quiz Game

Back into the swing of things after a few months off dealing with other things for a bit.
Last couple of games I made was during GameJams. Great as they are, there's a lot of pressure to keep working hard, get it done, get it polished, keep going until the deadline.
I enjoyed being able to spend more time but at a better balanced pace, getting the look and feel of this quiz game the way I wanted.
Lots of work on Canvas and UI with this game. Spent more time with menus, buttons and such, then the actual game itself :D. But it's all good practice.
This games sprung from a module in the GameDev.Tv 2D course. I've done it before in its previous form, but i've enjoyed going through their updated version. Helped to ease myself back in after a few months off, pick up a few new things, re-learn quickly some old stuff, and give me a good base to build my own ideas from.
I've also enjoyed using a great add on from the Unity Store called Shapes 2D. It's great for creating your own basic shape sprites, and integrates on to the Canvas as well. All menu buttons, and background panels I made using this add on. Being able to tweak the position, width, etc of lines and grids, blurs and gradients, in-between working on other things. A sprite doesn't have to go back and forth, or dealt with as is. I've been able to adjust it to my needs on individual basis, then re-use those settings, and tweak from that again for other things.
I can thoroughly recommend it, either for those lacking art skills, or those wanting quicker and more flexible ways to make your own sprites.
Anyway, Funbers is a fun numbers quiz game :). I needed a theme, and I do enjoy maths and numbers, so this seemed an ideal option for me. Hopefully a few fake will enjoy it to.
Please let me know what you think. I've been squashing bugs all day getting it ready to publish (only took 8 builds :P), but i'm sure they'll be something i've missed somewhere :D.
This is my first DevLog, Hope i've done it right :).
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